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Past Events

Check here for information about debates, speakers, informal social gatherings, and charity drives that OSFL have been hosting. 

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OSFL Pub Social
11th June 2021 7:30pm


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Dr. Caterina Milo: Abortion as a Human Right? Lessons from the Covid 19 Pandemic and Beyond"
2nd June 2021 6:00pm


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Prof. David Albert Jones: "Euthanasia in Belgium: the Evidence of a Slippery Slope"
25th May 2021 6:00pm


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OSFL Pub Social
11th May 2021 7:00pm


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Ruth Bushell: "How To Have Good Pro-Life Conversations" 
10th March 2021 7:00pm


We were delighted to welcome a former OSFL committee member, Ruth Bushell, to give a workshop on how to have good pro-life conversations - something hugely important, as personal conversations are where the bulk of people having their mind changed happens. It was a great workshop which well equipped those present to be both compassionate and courageous!

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OSFL Zoom Social  
3rd February 2021 7:00pm


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OSFL and BSFL Vac Zoom Social
16th December 2021 8:00pm


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Maria Oswalt: "Feminist Since Conception: Towards an Equitable Culture of Life"
18th November 2020 6:00pm


We were treated to a great talk by Maria Oswalt from Rehumanize International, who talked to us about the surprising (but really not so surprising) congruence between the Pro-Life movement and the Feminism movement, leaving us thoroughly convinced that to be pro-life is indeed to be pro-woman, and not to buy into narratives that treat the womb-less male body as normative and pit autonomy against motherhood, rather than accomodating motherhood more widely in society. 

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Dr. Theo Boer: "Euthanasia and the Value of Life: Some Experiences from the Netherlands"
27th October 2020 6:00pm


Dr. Theo Boer, a prominent euthanasia critic from the Netherlands and an ethicist, gave a harrowing, insightful, deeply sensitive and at times even funny talk about the situation regarding euthanasia in the Netherlands, presenting the facts in an objective way about what a culture that endorses this leads to. We are profoundly grateful for his work and a talk that was one of the highlights of this year!

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OSFL Zoom Social
21st October 2020 8:00pm
Emily Milne and Dr. Calum Miller: "Why I'm Pro-Life: Ask Me Anything! 
10th June 2020 6:00pm


We had a very wide range of questions and issues that were discussed, everything from euthanasia and pain killers to the compatibility of feminism and being pro-life regarding abortion, the nature and effectiveness of legal restrictions on abortion and the tricky case of abortion for rape victims. All in all a truly fascinating discussion, with hard questions asked and a variety of excellent answers given.

Alithea Williams: ''The Abortion Epidemic: Abortion in the Times of Covid-19" 
20th May 2020 6:00pm


Our first event from lockdown fittingly treated the issue of coronavirus and how its affected the issue of abortion. Alithea Williams of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) gave us a wonderful and thorough overview of this issue, depressing though it may be. One benefit of an online talk was that it could be easily recorded and can be viewed on our YouTube by clicking the image!

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Fiona Bruce MP: ''The End of Life - a Parliamentary Perspective" 
21st February 2020 6:00pm


We were treated to a fantastic presentation by the Hon. Fiona Bruce MP on issues relating to euthanasia and the end of life and the challenges she faces in promoting a pro-life agenda in parliament. Although the picture may seem bleak in parts of the world, we're immensely grateful to have MPs like Fiona Bruce fighting to protect the most vulnerable in this country. 

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How Verona Became a Pro-Life Sanctuary-with Carla Padovani, MP 22nd February 7:30pm


We are delighted to welcome Carla Padovani (leader of the Verona branch of the Democratic party) who was instrumental in establishing Verona as a 'pro-life city', to speak to us about how she achieved such a feat. We will also have the fantastic opportunity of a Skype conversation with Verona's Mayor. This is set to be a fascinating evening so do come along!

Helping student parents in Oxford
Monday 27th November
Harris Manchester College, 5:00pm


Join Oxford Students for Life discuss and plan the ways in which we can all work together to help student parents in Oxford. We have already been in conversation with some student parents about what they find difficult with life here and have given us some suggestions about how we can help. On Monday we will plan and assign these tasks in order that we can do as much as we can to make life a little easier for those heroes among us!

Debate: Conscientious Objection in healthcare
Wednesday 15th November
Trinity College, 7:00pm


Motion: 'This house believes that conscientious objection in healthcare, concerning beginning and end of life issues, benefits society as a whole'.

Proposition: Dr Mike Delany and Toni Saad
Opposition: Dr Alberto Giubilini and Dr Antony Lempert
Moderator: Jacob Imam

Join us for what will be an engaging debate followed by your chance to participate in the discussion in the time for Q&A.

Abortion in Ireland
Wednesday 1st November
St John's College, 8:00pm


Join us at 8pm to hear Breda O'Brien, from the Irish Times, and Lorcan Price, legal adviser for the Pro-Life Campaign, discuss the highly topical Irish abortion debate.

The event will take the form of two 25 minute speeches by our speakers followed by 50 minutes of Q&A.

50 years of abortion in the UK
Wednesday 25th October
Harris Manchester College, 7.30pm


Oxford Students for Life presents 'Life Chats'.
Our very own Ben Conroy will be leading a short presentation followed by discussion on how society has changed 50 years on from the Abortion Act 1967.

All are welcome to attend. 

Whose life is worth living?
Wednesday 11th October
Trinity College, 7.30pm


Ryan Day, from Alliance Defending Freedom, will be focusing on questions of ‘quality of life’, dignity and suffering with particular reference to the case of Charlie Gard.

Ryan Day serves as Senior Policy Officer with ADF International in London.

In this role, Day plays a vital role in the advocacy efforts of ADF International in the United Kingdom, and serves as the liaison for politicians, media and other NGO allies working on shared mission issues.

There will be a chance for Q&A at the end of the talk.

Abortion Debate
Thursday 8th June
Christ Church College, 7.30pm


This house believes the unborn's right to life is more important than the woman's right to choose abortion.
Proposition: Sophia Kuby, director of EU advocacy, ADF International
Opposition: Ann Furedi, director of British Pregnancy Advisory Service, author of 'The Moral Case for Abortion'
Join us for what is set to be a dynamic and thought provoking debate. All are very welcome.

What is human dignity?
Wednesday 31st May
Corpus Christi College, 7.30pm


Dr. Janice Chik Breidenbach is Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Ave Maria University, and Visiting Research Scholar at the University of Oxford. She obtained her PhD in Philosophy from the University of St Andrews, Scotland.

Oxford Students for Life are proud to announce that Prof. Breidenbach will be speaking on 'What is human dignity?' An area key to the pro-life debate.

The Progressive Roots of the Pro-life Movement
Tuesday 16th May
St John's College, 7.30pm


Daniel K. Williams is a professor of history and author of 'Defenders of the Unborn'. The New York Times commented that the book is 'a deeply researched, evenhanded, accessible and surprising history of anti-abortion activism before Roe v. Wade'. 

Prof. Williams will be showcasing the development of the pro-life movement particularly in the US and as ever there will be a chance for Q&A at the end. 

OSFL Film Night
Wednesday 3rd May
Oriel College, 7.30pm


Understandably, not what many of you would have been expecting- OSFL showing Dr Who! However, this episode has been reviewed as one of the most pro-life TV episodes to air recently. It is called 'Kill the Moon' and we highly recommend it for anyone who hasn't seen it. 

Come along to Oriel College for a quick break from revision to watch it with us. There will be a chance for some discussion at the end. Popcorn provided- needless to say!

Assisted Suicide Debate
Tuesday 7th March
Christ Church College, 7.00pm

Prof. Jeff McMahan, White's Professor of Moral Philosophy at the University of Oxford, and Prof. David S. Oderberg, Professor of Philosophy at the University of Reading, will be debating whether assisted suicide is morally wrong. 
The event will be held in the Blue Boar Lecture Theatre, Christ Church college, and will be chaired by Nathan Pinkoski.
This is an extremely relevant topic for today, given that in 2015 the Marris Assisted Suicide Bill was defeated in parliament 330 votes to 118. If you are a firm believer on either side of the debate or you simply don't know how to decide - this event is for you.

Secular Pro-life Talk
Monday 20th February
Pembroke College, 7.00pm

Join us for a Skype talk and discussion with Kelsey Hazzard, President of Secular Pro Life, on the theme of why being pro life isn't a religious issue. 

Hear about how to respond to criticisms and assumptions about how religious arguments are the only reason why someone is pro-life and provide solid secular arguments to a laregly secular society. 

Stump the Pro-lifer
Tuesday 7th February
Pembroke College, 7.00pm

Lots of us have questions about the pro-life movement and there aren't many opportunities for us to ask about the hardest of them because they can be quite sensitive and ultimately extremely difficult to answer. Our panel, Greg Jackson from CitizenGo, Liz Parsons from Life Charity, Becky Short from the Alliance of Pro-life Students and our very own co-president Ben Conroy will be ready and waiting for your toughest questions about the pro-life movement. See if you can stump them!

Peter D. Williams
Tuesday 22nd November
Harris Manchester College, 7.00pm

Peter D. Williams, chief executive officer of Right to Life, will be giving a talk on 'What happens next after the defeat of the Marris Bill?'. This will be an evening of dynamic discussion and crucial information as we look and plan ahead for the future. Rob Marris' Assisted Suicide Bill was defeated in Parliament on 11th September 2015. One year on, what are we to expect to happen next?

Fiona Bruce MP Talk
Friday 4th November
St John's College, 6.00pm

Fiona Bruce MP will be discussing sex-selective and ability-selective abortion. Both of these life issues are extremely topical at the moment. Recently larger abortion providers have been trying to 'decriminalise abortion', therefore meaning abortion on the grounds of sex would be legal. Furthermore, Lord Shinkwin's proposed Abortion (Disability Equality) Bill has just had its second hearing in Parliament (for more information visit This is a discussion not to be missed!

Cake Sale Fundraiser
Tuesday 1st November
Harris Manchester College, 7.00pm

The second event of our Feminism Fortnight!
We are fundraising for 'Women's Rights Without Frontiers': A charitable organisation opposing forced abortion and sexual slavery in China.

'All donations will help end gendercide, forced abortion, grinding poverty and other abuses of women and girls in China.'

Donations can go towards providing help for at-risk babies, for more information visit

New Wave Feminists
Wednesday 26th October
St John's College, 7.00pm

Back by popular demand, the New Wave Feminists will be speaking to us on Skype about why they are pro-life and feminist and why you should be too! They are fun, fiery and unapologetically feminist. The evening is no doubt going to be one of humour and great discussion.

They will present a talk followed by a chance for Q&A.

This is a great way to start our Feminism Fortnight! Keep your eye out for more amazing events like this over the next couple of weeks. 

Fresher's Move In!
Monday 10th October
St John's College, 7.00pm

Freebies, food and fellowship. We're inviting freshers to come and pick up one or two 'fresher's essentials', such as chocolate, stationary and even room decorations, as well as to meet the committee and find out more about our events for Michaelmas. 


Introducing our committee this term: Ben Conroy and Georgia Clarke as Co-Presidents, Henry Drysdale as Secretary and Liesje Wilkinson as Treasurer.
Also, extended members include Anna Branford as Blog Editor, Dane Rogers as College Rep Coordinator and Megan Engel as Creative Publicity Officer.


Professor John Wyatt
Lessons from a career in Neonatology
Wednesday 18th May
Regents Park College, 7.30pm


What ethical questions arise from working as a Neonatologist? How might it inform our understanding of the ethics of the beginning of life? Professor John Wyatt will reflect on a life spent working with newborn infants, with a time for asking questions. 

John Wyatt is Professor of Ethics & Perinatology at UCL. He has a clinical background as an academic neonatologist working on the mechanisms, consequences and prevention of brain injury in critically ill newborn infants. His work is now concentrated on ethical issues raised by advances in reproductive and medical technology at the beginning of life, research ethics and governance and the philosophical basis of medical practice. He is lead for the Clinical Ethics network at UCLH, a member of the ethics committees of the Royal College of Physicians and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, and a board member of Biocentre.




Film Screening: It's a Girl
Wednesday 4th May
Regents Park College, 7.30pm


In India, China and many other parts of the world today, girls are killed, aborted and abandoned simply because they are girls. The United Nations estimates as many as 200 million girls are missing in the world today because of this so-called “gendercide”.

Girls who survive infancy are often subject to neglect, and many grow up to face extreme violence and even death at the hands of their own husbands or other family members.

Shot on location in India and China, It’s a Girl reveals the issue. It asks why this is happening, and why so little is being done to save girls and women.


The film tells the stories of abandoned and trafficked girls, of women who suffer extreme dowry-related violence, of brave mothers fighting to save their daughters’ lives, and of other mothers who would kill for a son. Global experts and grassroots activists put the stories in context and advocate different paths towards change, while collectively lamenting the lack of any truly effective action against this injustice.

New Wave Feminists
'New Wave Feminism: Turning the Tide'
Monday 2nd May
Oriel College, 7.30pm


Hillary Clinton recently caused quite a stir when she said that "of course you can be a feminist and be pro-life”. To many the two appear mutually exclusive. Surely a true feminist cannot deny a woman’s right to choose in favour of the unborn’s right to life? The dominant feminist narrative of our age would agree. But what if that was to misconstrue completely what it actually means to be a feminist and to be pro-woman? Feminism is meant to empower women in societies in which men have traditionally been the wielders of power. Abortion does the opposite.

Come and find out why on Monday, when we will be hearing from the New Wave Feminists (via Skype). They believe that it’s time “for the return of common sense feminism which refuses to exploit women in the name of liberation and create victims while settling for equality”. The talk will be followed by the opportunity for questions and discussion will continue over refreshments.




Dr Trevor Stammers
Euthanasia: Lessons from Belgium
Monday 25th January
Oriel College, 7.30pm


Advocates of assisted suicide and euthanasia claim that these are compassionate responses to intractable suffering with no adverse effects on society. They argue that "slippery slope" arguments against euthanasia are merely theoretical fantasies of its opponents. The Belgian experience of legalized euthanasia suggests otherwise. Since 2002 Belgium has seen substantial rises in deaths from euthanasia, the introduction of euthanasia for children and around a quarter of lung transplants are from those undergoing euthanasia. Even supporters of the original law there are changing their minds. This talk will explore why legalized euthanasia is far from harmless.

Dr Stammers has been Programme Director in Bioethics and Medical law at St Mary's University since 2010. He is the editor of The New Bioethics, a writer and occasional broadcaster on bioethical issues and was previously in clinical practice for over thirty years.




Philippa Taylor
'Should foetal disability be a ground for abortion?'
Monday 19th October
Pembroke College, 7.30pm


In the Uk Abortion Act (1967) abortion is legal up until 24 weeks. However this is not always the case. Terminating a pregnancy is legal up until birth if "there is substantial risk that if the child were born it would suffer from such physical and mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped." This poses numerous complex and sensitive questions, including potential discrimination towards disabled people, given that the law seems to determine that a life is worth less if the potential for a disability is present. Does the law really say this? Is the law sympathetic to both the parents and the child? Can discrimination exist before birth?


We look forward to hearing Philippa Taylor's take on these and many other questions. Philppa is head of Public Policy at CMF.


please email us at to reserve a space



Dr Peter Saunders, Dr Kevin Yuill 
Dr Jacky Davis, Dr Richard Scheffer
'This House opposes the legalisation of assisted suicide'
Monday 9th November
Christ Church College, 7.30pm

On the 11th September the House of Commons emphatically voted against the Marris Bill, proposing to legalise assisted suicide, by 330 votes to 118. In all likelihood this question will not return to the Commons in this parliament, but such a Bill has posed some fundamental questions to our society. Those opposing the Bill worry about the effect it will have on the most vulnerable in society, fearing that the law would say that their lives aren't worth protecting. The supporters of this leglisation use many powerful stories of the suffering of individuals before they die, arguing that the option to end one's life when one chooses should be made possible through law. Many other arguments arise on both sides, often focussing on the issue of personal autonomy, or looking to other countries where this leglislation has been legal for many years with differing interpretations of its success. Join our four speakers to decide where you stand on one of modern day society's most controversial moral issues.

Our speakers are:


Dr Kevin Yuill - author of "Assisted Suicide: The Liberal, Humanist case against Legalisation and senior lecturer in American History and Sunderland University.

Dr Peter Saunders - formerly a general surgeon and now chief executive of the Christian Medical Fellowship and campaign director for the Care Not Killing Alliance.



Dr Jacky Davis - a consultant radiologist specialising in paediatric and breast imaging. She has sat on the BMA Council since 2006 and is a regular contributor to The Guardian, BMJ and Open Democracy.

Dr Richard Scheffer - a consultant in palliative medicine and medical director of a hospice in the UK for 20 years until his retirement in 2007. He served as chairman of a regional Palliative Care Network and represented his area on the National Council of Palliative Care.

Life Chats: Greg Jackson
Assisted suicide apologetics
Monday 23rd November
venue tbc, 7.30pm


Greg Jackson, former Student Support Officer for the Alliance of Pro-Life Students and former member of Oxford Students for Life, will be tackling some of the thorny issues around assisted suicide and euthanasia. Should it be legalised? To whom should it apply? What about autonomy and suffering? If ever you've struggled in a conversation with a friend when talking about this issues as you simply didn't know enough about it, come along and join Greg leading a 'Life Chat' in these and related issues.

Pro-life Feminism: A Panel Discussion
Wednesday 4 February
Exeter: Saskatchewan Room, 7.30

As part of a special 3rd-Week focus on pro-life feminism, we’re bringing together a panel of speakers to discuss the subject. They’ll be talking about their experiences and intellectual journeys, and about what it means to be pro-life. There'll be plenty of time for discussion at the event and in the pub afterwards.

Here’s our panel:

Raheal Gabrasadig is a doctor in London currently working in paediatrics; she is also involved in campaigning against gender-based violence, especially FGM and human trafficking.

Isabel Errington is training to be a primary school teacher at Oxford Brookes.

Emily Watson is a fundraiser for social enterprises in East Africa.

Maryssa Gabriel qualified as a solicitor in New York and is training at a global law firm in London.

Michaela Aston
'Pro-Woman and Pro-Life'
Wednesday 22 October
Balliol: Lecture Room 23, 7:30 pm

Michaela Aston is Senior Education and Media Officer for LIFE, and has years of experience counselling pregnant and post-abortive women. She frequently appears in the broadcast media as a commentator on life issues.

NB: College regulations apply - please bring your Bod card! If non-University, email us and we'll put you on the guest list.


Tanni Grey-Thompson
'What's Wrong With Assisted Suicide'
Tuesday 4 November​
Christ Church: Blue Boar lecture theatre, 7:30 pm

Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson is an 11-times Paralympic gold medallist and a prominent campaigner. A crossbench peer, she has been a prominent opponent of assisted suicide legislation, and will be addressing OSFL on the subject.

Tim Stanley v Brendan O'Neill
'This House Believes Britain's Abortion Culture Hurts Us All'

Join two of Britain's best-known social commentators to debate abortion in Britain. Tim Stanley is a leader writer and columnist for the Daily Telegraph, and a historian of the United States. Brendan O'Neill edits Spiked and is a columnist for The Big Issue.



Life Chats: The ethics of embryonic stem cell research
November 25, 7:30 pm

Join us in an informal disucssion about the challenging issue of using embryonic stem cells in medical research. Individuals of all convictions are welcome to come and explore this topic in an amicable, educational, and constructive forum. We'll head to the pub afterwards. Drop in for all or part of the event!


Caroling at the Isis Care Home
December 6, 10:30 am
Cornwallis Road, Donnington

Join us in singing Christmas carols for residents at Isis Care and Retirement Home! Good company, cheer, and lively tunes promise to spread the joy of the season to all parties involved. No musical ability required...!



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